Thursday, June 9, 2011

What is common to Baba Ramdeo & Indian tribals

The recent Baba Ramdeo episode should be a lesson to the civil society of India at large.Baba Ramdeo faced police atrocity for the first time in his life & that too was a relatively mild " polisiya-karyawahi " i.e. only "lathi-charge " & yet Baba's immediate response was to create an armed force of 11000 strong to counter attack the police force. What the civil society needs to understand is that tribals & dalits who have been subjugated since 2000 years of pre-independence history are even today facing the same kind of subjugation & exploitation in Independent India . The Indian independence was just a change of "lords" for the" tribal serfs" .The police & bureaucracy continue to exploit & humiliate the tribals .Mothers & sisters of tribals are raped at will by these lords & masters .Police firing & resultant deaths are a regular occurence .The "neta's"& the MNCs are eager to plunder their habitat & destroy the source of  their livelihood .The timber mafia ,the mining mafia & the corrupt leadership & bureaucracy all have joined in a conspiracy to destroy their lives & lifestyle .
After so much provocation if the tribals become Naxals or Maoists & join armed struggle,then it should not surprise the civil society at large at all .This is not to justify the killings by the maoists ( being a gandhian I can't condone that ),but we should understand that those killings were the desperate act of a people who were pushed to the wall .
Therefore it is imperative that the Indian society at large should become more sensitive about the problems of the tribals & should strive for a more inclusive development .People like Ramansing & Chidambaram have either no understanding of the problem or they are representitives of the wasted-interests .In fact they are a part of the tower of Babel comprising of the politicians ,bureaucrats,police & MNCs which needs to be destroyed first .If destruction is too violent for your taste then atleast this unholy alliance needs to be disciplined severely if we want to bring back the tribals in the fold of Indian civil society .We need to realise that the tribals are not our serfs ,their land & habitat are not there to be looted & their women are not there to be had by any &everybody with little power .Unless we frame stringent laws punishing people who try to exploit the tribals very severely & unless we give full opportunity to the tribal youth &children to become respectable functional units of our society ,this problem is not going to be solved .


  1. Temperance and patience; peaceful intent and magnanimity;learning out of one's personal sufferings and yet not carrying any bitterness towards the perpetrators; having a genuine will to make a difference and the conviction that there are enough good and like-minded souls in our Society to peacefully provoke the favorable action desired are probably the tenets of wanting to make a change a la Gandhian way.

    With the modern generation wanting Results Yesterday: perhaps due to the inroads made on their psyche by the materialistic excesses that are visibly flaunted in front of their eyes of late; the lack of really inspirational figures in front of them; the vacuum created after steady downgrading of the ethical norms of the Society that have reached the proportions of an avalanche these days in all walks of life, the lack of value ascribable to the piece of paper that goes by the name of a Degree Certificate and the sheer Spirit of Corruption that has infected all levels of administration (after inheriting it from the British?)in public and private domains, the opportunism of milking out of a Band of Followers whatever one can in the shortest possible time is a natural sequel.

    After all, the current fundas seem to evolve around a dictum Kal Kya Hoga Kisko Pata...Abhi Zindagi Ka Lelo Maza

    If the primary forte of a person to be good at some act...Yoga as in case of Baba Ramdev...he does not necessarily port those skills into leadership into social and public life....THIS CONCEPT needs a grown mind, an educated mind to gather....we as a nation seem to be better literate than before, but, not really educated...we need to grow up...I mean becoming OLD is not the same thing as growing it?

    Right from the days of Pandit Nehru (who merely danced with tribals in the north-east and did very little for really developing that region, our leaders have followed the same model...

    So, Boss, Yeh Toh Ek Din Hona Hi Tha.


  2. Good one , Deepak. Liked it. And welcome to KK group as well ,

  3. I think, the leaders today, rather than costructive leadership believe in evading the large problems at hand. The problem is the conflict of time-frame. These problems can only be rectified in long-term and hence need a long-term vision of the leaders. Leaders on the other hand focus only on tackling them with a very short-term focus, (at best focus on the next elections). With all of them in the same boat, it is all the more difficult to expect change from the present lot of leaders.
    It's high time when we need a visionary.
    (As may be - Manmohan Singh was to our economic growth ?)
